Seeing Through the Veil of Illusion


Watercolour on canvas 2016

by Khamara

Things are not what they seem.  The veil of illusion is that what we think is unreal, is actually real and what we think is real, is actually unreal. It is all opposite to what we have been taught.  So when we sit quietly with ourselves we come into contact with our inner world which is the real world.  Here we find our True Real Nature…..our Beingness.  We are Spirit in Form and that Spirit which is LOVE is what is Real but we have to find this out for ourselves.  Sitting, breathing and relaxing, watching the breath we begin to see what is…..what we are experiencing and assimilate our experience.  This is the art of contemplation.

Know Thyself


Know thyself and find inner peace and joy.  Sitting with your inner self you discover you are not who you think you are.  Who you really are is spotless and pure like the day you were born and all the rest are the limiting ideas learned from a set of made up rules that have nothing to do with reality.

As one of our Master Teachers has said….”The Kingdom of Heaven Lies Within” and the 7 Spiritual Vortices are the doorways to that Kingdom.

Boundless love and bliss,


Watercolour on canvas by Khamara

Threefold Beings


The Zen Circle – symbol for wholeness and completeness of God plus 3 dots symbolizing our threefold nature of consciousness, heart and being.

The other night I had a dream and in the dream two people were talking.  One asked the other, “What do you get when you practice consciousness?”  The other replied, “Another consciousness.”

That other consciousness is our Higher Consciousness.  When our lower self remembers our Higher Self – our Divine being it connects with the truth of who we really are….whole and complete.

Like love, consciousness is infinite as it comes from the Divine.  It is part of who we are as threefold beings …. consciousness, heart and being.  We are this wonder….this amazing being that is eternal, being breathed and given life, our purpose is to remember who we really are.